Manage Billing

Manage and audit billing information for your organization and clusters.

In order to perform any of the management tasks on this page, you must have Organization Edit privileges.

Viewing Your Organization’s Billing Information

You can access your organization’s billing information by clicking on the Billing tab in the main navigation. The following tabs are shown:


If no Activation ID has previously been entered for your organization, the Overview tab displays the Couchbase Cloud Activation ID section, along with buttons for requesting an Activation ID or adding an Activation ID that has been sent to you by Couchbase Sales.

Once an Activation ID has been added to your organization, the following sections are displayed:


This section contains a Recent Usage graph that displays the total number of credits and clusters that were used by your organization in recent usage periods. (Cluster usage is the total number of unique clusters across the organization that were ever in a billable state during the usage period.) Two stats boxes are also shown, displaying the total number of credits used in the previous usage period, as well as the total number of credits used so far in the current usage period.

Couchbase Cloud Credits

If your organization is paying up-front Couchbase Cloud Credits, or on a Free Trial, then this section will display your organization’s available balance of credits, along with tabs for browsing your organization’s most recent credit activity and credit purchases.

If your organization is paying on-demand for Couchbase Cloud Credits, then this section will simply display information about requesting a change to the up-front payment plan.

In addition, the current Activation ID will be shown in the upper-right of the tab.


The Projects tab displays a list of all the projects in the organization. Each project is represented by a row that contains the following summarized details:


The Support Plan(s) of the clusters in the project.


The number of clusters in the project.

Clicking on the row of a project opens that project’s billing fly-out menu. From this menu you can do the following:


The Usage tab displays a list of all the monthly usage periods that have occurred since adding an Activation ID. Each usage period is represented by a row that contains the following summarized details:

Usage Period

The range of dates that encompass the usage period.


The total number of projects that contained at least one billable cluster during the usage period.


The total number of unique clusters across the organization that were ever in a billable state during the usage period.

Credits Used

The total number of credits used across all clusters during the usage period.

Clicking on each row allows you to View and Download Usage Summaries.

Activate a Free Trial

If you have already signed up for a Couchbase Cloud account and created an organization, refer to Add an Activation ID for for instructions on adding or requesting a Trial Activation ID for your organization.

If you already have a Trial Activation ID, but have not yet signed up for a Couchbase Cloud account and created an organization, follow the Getting Started instructions from the beginning.

Upgrade a Free Trial to a Paid Plan

A Free Trial comes with a limited number of Couchbase Cloud Credits that can be spent on clusters. Once all of the Couchbase Cloud Credits from a Trial Activation ID have been exhausted — or when any remaining credits expire (whichever happens first) — all clusters currently on the Free Trial Support Plan will automatically be suspended. When a cluster is suspended, you will no longer be able to read or write data on it. You have the option of deleting suspended clusters, or re-enabling them by activating a Paid Activation ID.

Suspended clusters will continue to accrue infrastructure cost with your connected cloud provider.

To upgrade from a Free Trial to a Paid Plan, you will need to request a Paid Activation ID from Couchbase Sales. You can use a Paid Activation ID to upgrade to a Paid Plan before or after the Free Trial ends — just remember that any running clusters will automatically be suspended when the Free Trial period ends.

  1. (Optional) Request a Paid Activation ID.

    Go to the Billing tab in the main navigation. Under the Overview tab, click Contact Couchbase. A pre-populated fly-out menu will open, allowing you to request an Activation ID directly via Support ticket.

  2. Replace your Activation ID.

    You will need to replace your Trial Activation ID with the Paid Activation ID that you received from Couchbase Sales.

    1. If your Trial Activation ID has already expired, you can start by clicking the Upgrade Now link in the trial expiration notification that appears at the top of every screen in Couchbase Cloud UI.

      If you’re upgrading, and the Free Trial period has not yet ended, go to the Billing tab in the main navigation, and under the Overview tab, click Upgrade Now.

      Both of these options open the Replace Activation ID fly-out menu.

    2. In the Replace Activation ID fly-out menu, you will see your Trial Activation ID, along with a field to enter your Paid Activation ID. Enter your Paid Activation ID in this field, and click Replace.

    At this point, your organization has been successfully upgraded to a Paid Plan.

  3. If you had any clusters deployed when you upgraded, the Trial Cluster(s) fly-out will open, prompting you to determine what to do with any remaining clusters.

    Any clusters that were created during the Free Trial will still be on a Free Trial Support Plan, and thus will continue to be in a suspended state until you either delete them or upgrade them to a Paid Support Plan.

    In the Trial Cluster(s) fly-out, you will see a list of all clusters that remain on a Free Trial Support Plan.

    1. For the clusters that you wish to delete, click the Trash icon next to each one to mark them for deletion.

    2. For the clusters that you wish to upgrade to a Paid Support Plan, use the Plan and Support Time Zone drop-down menus next to each cluster to select the desired Paid Support Plan and Support Time Zone, respectively.

    3. (Optional) Use the Support Plan (Apply to All Clusters) drop-down menu to apply the same Paid Support Plan to all clusters that haven’t been marked for deletion.

    4. (Optional) Use the Support Time Zone (Apply to All Clusters) drop-down menu to apply the same Support Time Zone to all clusters that haven’t been marked for deletion.

    You can click Cancel at any time and your work will be saved. This can be helpful if you need to take time and check with any stakeholders to determine what to do with a particular trial cluster.

    Once you’re satisfied with how each cluster is configured, click Save Configuration. Any clusters that were marked for deletion will begin to be deleted. Any clusters that were upgraded to a Paid Support Plan will no longer be in a suspended state and will begin to charge Couchbase Cloud Credits.

End a Free Trial Without Upgrading

If at the end of your Free Trial you choose not to upgrade to a Paid Plan, then it’s important that you make sure to delete all remaining clusters and delete all connected clouds.

Suspended clusters and connected clouds will continue to accrue infrastructure cost with your connected cloud provider, so it’s important that you delete them at the end of your Free Trial to avoid undesired charges to your cloud provider account.

You should never directly delete cluster resources and connected cloud resources using your cloud provider console. You should only ever delete clusters and connected clouds using the Couchbase Cloud UI. This ensures that all resources are properly removed from your cloud provider account. Manually deleting resources from your cloud provider account is highly discouraged.

Add an Activation ID

You must add an Activation ID to your organization in order to start using Couchbase Cloud Credits for paid or Free Trial clusters.

If you already have a Trial Activation ID, but have not yet signed up for a Couchbase Cloud account and created an organization, you should follow the Getting Started instructions instead of this procedure.
  1. Go to the Billing tab in the main navigation.

    The Overview tab is selected. If no Activation ID has previously been entered, you have the option to request an Activation ID or add an Activation ID that has been sent to you by Couchbase Sales.

  2. (Optional) Request an Activation ID.

    If you don’t have an Activation ID, you can click Contact Couchbase to request one. A pre-populated fly-out menu will open, allowing you to request an Activation ID directly via Support ticket.

  3. When you have your Activation ID ready, click Add Activation ID.

    Enter your Activation ID in the fly-out menu and click Activate.

After adding your Activation ID, the Overview tab will update according to the payment plan associated with your Activation ID.

If you haven’t connected a cloud or deployed a cluster yet, you can do so by referring to Deploy Your First Cluster.

Modify a Cluster’s Support Plan

You can change the Support Plan for any cluster to change its level of support.

  1. Go to the Billing > Projects tab.

  2. In the list of projects, find the project that contains the cluster who’s Support Plan you wish to change.

    Click on the project to open a fly-out menu that lists all of the clusters within the project.

  3. Find the cluster who’s Support Plan you wish to change, and in the Plan column, use the drop-down menu to select one of the available Support Plans for that cluster.

    The cost of each Support Plan is listed in the drop-down menu. Any modification to the Support Plan will only take effect once you submit the changes.

  4. To confirm the changes, check the box labeled All plan changes will immediately take effect on the next clock hour and then click Submit.

Modify a Cluster’s Support Time Zone

You can change the Support Time Zone for any cluster.

  1. Go to the Billing > Projects tab.

  2. In the list of projects, find the project that contains the cluster who’s Support Time Zone you wish to change.

    Click on the project to open a fly-out menu that lists all of the clusters within the project.

  3. Find the cluster who’s Support Time Zone you wish to change, and in the Support Time Zone column, use the drop-down menu to select one of the available Support Time Zones for that cluster.

  4. (Optional) Alternatively, you can use the Support Time Zone drop-down menu below the list of clusters to apply a single Support Time Zone to all of the clusters in the project.

  5. To confirm the changes, check the box labeled All plan changes will immediately take effect on the next clock hour and then click Submit.

View and Download Usage Summaries

Each monthly usage period has a corresponding Usage Summary. Usage summaries for the current and previous usage periods are available under the Billing > Usage tab.

All usage summaries are listed under the Usage Periods section, where each row represents a Usage Summary for a particular usage period. To view a particular Usage Summary, click on the row for the desired usage period. This opens the Usage Summary fly-out menu for that usage period.

Viewing the Usage Summary

The top section of the Usage Summary fly-out menu displays the following information:

Pre-Paid Credits Used

The number of pre-paid Couchbase Cloud Credits used during the usage period.

Only applies to organizations that pay up-front for Couchbase Cloud Credits.

On-Demand Credits Used

The number of pre-paid Couchbase Cloud Credits used during the usage period.

Applies to organizations that pay on-demand for Couchbase Cloud Credits. Can also apply to organizations that pay up-front but have run out of pre-paid credits and have fallen back to paying on-demand.

Total Credits Used

The sum of Pre-Paid Credits Used and On-Demand Credits Used. This value represents the sum total of all Couchbase Cloud Credits used across the entire organization.

Starting Credit Balance

The balance of pre-paid Couchbase Cloud Credits available at the beginning of the usage period.

Only applies to organizations that pay up-front for Couchbase Cloud Credits.

Ending Credit Balance

The balance of pre-paid Couchbase Cloud Credits available at the end of the usage period.

Only applies to organizations that pay up-front for Couchbase Cloud Credits.

Project Summary

The Project Summary section of the Usage Summary fly-out menu displays a report of all usage, broken down by project and cluster. Projects are expanded to show all of the billable clusters that they contain.

Each project and cluster is listed with the following values:

Credits Used

The number of credits used by a cluster or project. For a cluster, this value is derived from multiplying the number of Server Hours by the cluster’s individual rate.

Server Hours

The number of clock hours in which clusters ran.

Note that the values for a project are the sum of the values of each cluster contained within the project.

At the bottom of the Project Summary section, totals are provided for Credits Used and Server Hours across the organization.

Instance Summary

The Instance Summary section of the Usage Summary fly-out menu displays a report of all usage, broken down by cloud provider and instance type. Cloud providers (if you use more than one), are expanded to show all of the instance types that were used by billable clusters during the usage period.

Each instance type is listed with the following values:

Credits per Hour

The average rate charged for the instance type across the organization.

Since cluster rates can vary based on things like chosen Support Plan, there isn’t a static rate for each instance type. Therefore, if you upgrade a test cluster to a production Support Plan, you may notice an increase in the Credits per Hour for the instance types used in that cluster.

Server Hours

The total number of clock hours used by the instance type across the organization.

Credits Used

The total amount of credits used by the instance type across the organization.

This value is derived from multiplying Credits per Hour by Server Hours.

At the bottom of the Instance Summary section, totals are provided for Server Hours and Credits Used across all connected cloud providers used by the organization.

Daily Summary

The Daily Summary section of the Usage Summary fly-out menu displays a report of all usage usage, broken down by each day in the usage period. Each day can be expanded to show all of the instance types that were used by billable clusters during those days.

Each instance type is listed with the following values:

Credits per Hour

The average rate charged for the instance type across the organization.

Since cluster rates can vary based on things like chosen Support Plan, there isn’t a static rate for each instance type. Therefore, if you upgrade a test cluster to a production Support Plan, you may notice an increase in the Credits per Hour for the instance types used in that cluster.

Server Hours

The total number of clock hours used by the instance type across the organization.

Credits Used

The total amount of credits used by the instance type across the organization.

This value is derived from multiplying Credits per Hour by Server Hours.

At the bottom of the Daily Summary section, totals are provided for Server Hours and Credits Used across the organization.

Download the Usage Summary

At the top of the Usage Summary fly-out menu, click Export. This will download a copy of the Usage Summary to your computer.

Modify Your Billing Contact Information

Your billing contact information is different than your organization owner information. Invoices and other billing-related communications are sent to the billing contact information associated with your organization. To modify your billing contact information, contact Couchbase Sales.