Cloud Provider Requirements
Couchbase Cloud requires certain permissions and resource capacity within your cloud provider account in order to connect and deploy clusters.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Couchbase Cloud supports deploying clusters on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Required Permissions
This section describes the AWS permissions that are required for Couchbase Cloud to be able to deploy and manage clusters in your AWS account. You should verify that your AWS account has these permissions before attempting to connect clouds and deploy clusters.
The following permissions are required for rotating the access keys, and are locked to the user that is created by the CloudFormation stack:
iam:DeleteAccessKey iam:ListAccessKeys iam:DeleteUser
The following permissions are required to create the networking infrastructure in a VPC, and are locked to the VPC:
ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress ec2:CreateRoute ec2:DeleteRouteTable ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress ec2:UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsEgress ec2:UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsIngress ec2:RunInstances
The following permissions are locked to the CloudFormation stack:
cloudformation:DeleteStack cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents cloudformation:DescribeStackResources cloudformation:DetectStackDrift cloudformation:DetectStackResourceDrift cloudformation:GetTemplate cloudformation:ListStackResources cloudformation:UpdateStack
The following permissions are required to store Terraform state for all the cloud and cluster deployments. They are also used to store backups, and are locked to the main S3 bucket:
s3:AbortMultipartUpload s3:DeleteObject s3:DeleteObjectTagging s3:DeleteObjectVersion s3:DeleteObjectVersionTagging s3:GetObject s3:GetObjectAcl s3:GetObjectLegalHold s3:GetObjectRetention s3:GetObjectTagging s3:GetObjectVersion s3:GetObjectVersionAcl s3:GetObjectVersionTagging s3:ListMultipartUploadParts s3:PutObject s3:PutObjectAcl s3:PutObjectLegalHold s3:PutObjectRetention s3:PutObjectTagging s3:PutObjectVersionAcl s3:PutObjectVersionTagging s3:RestoreObject s3:DescribeJob s3:UpdateJobPriority s3:UpdateJobStatus
The following permissions are required to store logs and support-related information about a connected cloud and cluster. These permissions are locked to the support bucket:
s3:AbortMultipartUpload s3:DeleteObject s3:DeleteObjectTagging s3:DeleteObjectVersion s3:DeleteObjectVersionTagging s3:GetObject s3:GetObjectAcl s3:GetObjectLegalHold s3:GetObjectRetention s3:GetObjectTagging s3:GetObjectVersion s3:GetObjectVersionAcl s3:GetObjectVersionTagging s3:ListMultipartUploadParts s3:ListBucket s3:ListBucketVersions s3:PutObject s3:PutObjectAcl s3:PutObjectLegalHold s3:PutObjectRetention s3:PutObjectTagging s3:PutObjectVersionAcl s3:PutObjectVersionTagging s3:RestoreObject s3:DescribeJob s3:UpdateJobPriority s3:UpdateJobStatus
The following permissions are required to remove a user only from the Couchbase Cloud IAM group created via CloudFormation:
iam:RemoveUserFromGroup iam:DeleteGroup iam:DeleteGroupPolicy
The following permissions are required to create Auto Scaling groups which contain the worker nodes for the EKS cluster:
autoscaling:AttachInstances autoscaling:CreateAutoScalingGroup autoscaling:CreateLaunchConfiguration autoscaling:CreateOrUpdateTags autoscaling:DeleteAutoScalingGroup autoscaling:DeleteLaunchConfiguration autoscaling:DeleteTags autoscaling:Describe* autoscaling:DetachInstances autoscaling:SetDesiredCapacity autoscaling:UpdateAutoScalingGroup autoscaling:SuspendProcesses autoscaling:DescribeLaunchConfigurations
The following permissions are required to create the networking infrastructure in a VPC (Routing Tables, Subnets, Internet Gateway, NAT Gateway) and the EC2 instances under the Auto Scaling group:
ec2:DescribeVpcs ec2:DescribeSubnets ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones ec2:AllocateAddress ec2:AssignPrivateIpAddresses ec2:Associate* ec2:AttachInternetGateway ec2:AttachNetworkInterface ec2:CreateDefaultSubnet ec2:CreateDhcpOptions ec2:CreateEgressOnlyInternetGateway ec2:CreateInternetGateway ec2:CreateNatGateway ec2:CreateNetworkInterface ec2:CreateRouteTable ec2:CreateSecurityGroup ec2:CreateSubnet ec2:CreateTags ec2:CreateVolume ec2:CreateVpc ec2:DeleteDhcpOptions ec2:DeleteEgressOnlyInternetGateway ec2:DeleteInternetGateway ec2:DeleteNatGateway ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface ec2:DeleteRoute ec2:DeleteSubnet ec2:DeleteTags ec2:DeleteVolume ec2:DeleteVpnGateway ec2:Describe* ec2:DetachInternetGateway ec2:DetachNetworkInterface ec2:DetachVolume ec2:Disassociate* ec2:ModifySubnetAttribute ec2:ModifyVpcAttribute ec2:ModifyVpcEndpoint ec2:ReleaseAddress ec2:UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsEgress ec2:UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsIngress ec2:CreateLaunchTemplate ec2:CreateLaunchTemplateVersion ec2:DeleteLaunchTemplate ec2:DeleteLaunchTemplateVersions ec2:DescribeLaunchTemplates ec2:DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions ec2:GetLaunchTemplateData ec2:ModifyLaunchTemplate
The following permissions are required to create the EKS clusters under the VPC and appropriately tag the resource:
eks:CreateCluster eks:DeleteCluster eks:DescribeCluster eks:UpdateClusterVersion eks:ListClusters eks:TagResource eks:UpdateClusterConfig eks:DescribeUpdate
The following permissions are required to attach roles to all the EC2 instances so they have access to other AWS resources:
iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile iam:AttachRolePolicy iam:CreateInstanceProfile iam:CreatePolicy iam:CreatePolicyVersion iam:DeletePolicyVersion iam:CreateRole iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole iam:GetServiceLinkedRoleDeletionStatus iam:DeleteInstanceProfile iam:DeletePolicy iam:DeleteRole iam:DeleteRolePolicy iam:DeleteServiceLinkedRole iam:DetachRolePolicy iam:GetInstanceProfile iam:GetPolicy iam:GetPolicyVersion iam:GetRole iam:GetRolePolicy iam:List* iam:PassRole iam:PutRolePolicy iam:RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile iam:UpdateAssumeRolePolicy iam:TagRole iam:UntagRole iam:ListInstanceProfilesForRole iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies
The following permissions are required to encrypt each cluster with its own KMS key:
kms:GetPublicKey kms:Decrypt kms:UpdateKeyDescription kms:GetKeyPolicy kms:GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext kms:Verify kms:ListResourceTags kms:ReEncryptFrom kms:GetParametersForImport kms:DescribeCustomKeyStores kms:ListKeys kms:GetKeyRotationStatus kms:Encrypt kms:ScheduleKeyDeletion kms:ListAliases kms:ReEncryptTo kms:DescribeKey kms:CreateKey kms:UntagResource kms:TagResource kms:GetPublicKey kms:Decrypt kms:UpdateKeyDescription kms:GetKeyPolicy kms:GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext kms:Verify kms:ListResourceTags kms:ReEncryptFrom kms:GetParametersForImport kms:DescribeCustomKeyStores kms:ListKeys kms:GetKeyRotationStatus kms:Encrypt kms:ScheduleKeyDeletion kms:ListAliases kms:ReEncryptTo kms:DescribeKey kms:CreateKey kms:UntagResource kms:TagResource
The following permissions are required so that Terraform can save state for connected clouds and deployed clusters:
Required Quotas
This section describes the AWS quotas and limits that can affect the proper functioning of Couchbase Cloud in your AWS account. You should verify that the current quotas set for your account can accommodate your expected usage of Couchbase Cloud, and make any necessary increases to those quotas before connecting clouds and deploying clusters.
VPCs per Region
It is recommended that you increase your AWS account’s quota for VPCs per Region (the default quota is five).
Each connected cloud creates one VPC in a given Region. This means that if you keep the default quota, then the maximum number of connected clouds you can have in each Region is four. (This is assuming that you are not running any other VPCs in the Region and have not deleted the default VPC.)
If you try to connect a new cloud in a Region that has already reached its VPC quota, then the connection will fail. (Note that existing, successfully connected clouds will not be affected if you reach the VPC quota in a Region.)
To increase your AWS account’s quota for VPCs per Region, you will need to open a support case with AWS to request a service limit increase. Ensure that you request a quota that can accommodate the maximum number of connected clouds (as well as any other VPCs) that you plan to have in a given Region of the same AWS account.
VPC Elastic IP Addresses per Region
It is recommended that you increase your AWS account’s quota for VPC Elastic IP addresses per Region (the default quota is five).
Couchbase Cloud requires three Elastic IP addresses (EIPs) per connected cloud. This means that if you keep the default quota, you may encounter errors when connecting more than one cloud per Region. (This is assuming that you are not running any other VPCs that are consuming more of the EIP quota.)
To increase your AWS account’s quota for VPC EIPs per Region, you will need to open a support case with AWS to request a service limit increase. Ensure that you request a quota that can accommodate the maximum number of connected clouds (as well as any other VPCs) that you plan to have in a given Region of the same AWS account. Since three VPC EIPs are required per connected cloud, a convenient way to calculate this quota is to take the the VPCs per Region quota, and multiple it by three. So if your VPCs per Region quota is 20, then you should request that your VPC EIPs per Region be increased to 60.
Classic Load Balancers per Region
It is recommended that you increase your AWS account’s quota for Classic Load Balancers per Region (the default quota is 20).
Couchbase Cloud requires n+1 Classic Load Balancers per cluster, where n is the number of nodes in the cluster. This means that if you keep the default quota, the maximum number of clusters you can have in a single Region, across all connected clouds, is ten 1-node development clusters, or five 3-node production clusters.
To increase your AWS account’s quota for Classic Load Balancers per Region, you will need to request a service quota increase. Ensure that you request a quota that can accommodate the maximum number of clusters and nodes that you plan to have in a given Region of the same AWS account. It’s recommended that you err on the side of having a higher quota than you think you might need in case you encounter unforeseen events that require you to rapidly scale out clusters and/or deploy your own resources that require Classic Load Balancers.
Additional Requirements
AWS Security Token Service (STS) must be active for the Region you select. If STS is not active, the CloudFormation stack will still deploy, but Couchbase Cloud will fail to connect to it.