Document Inspector

The Couchbase Cloud UI provides a document inspector that can be used to view and edit bucket documents.

Accessing the Document Inspector

The document inspector can be found under each cluster’s Advanced > Documents tab.

  1. Go to the Clusters tab.

    The 'Clusters' view.
  2. Find and click on your cluster.

    This opens the cluster’s Overview tab:

    The cluster’s 'Overview' tab.
  3. Go to the Advanced > Documents tab.

    The cluster’s 'Advanced > Documents' tab.

Using the Document Inspector

The document inspector lets you list the individual documents that are contained within a bucket:

The cluster’s 'Advanced > Documents' view, showing a table of document results from the 'travel-sample' bucket.

The following document retrieval controls are provided:

  • Bucket: A drop-down menu that displays the name of the bucket whose documents are currently being viewed. You can use the drop-down menu to select from a of available buckets.

  • Limit: The maximum number of rows (documents) to retrieve and display at once.

  • Offset: The number of documents in the entire set of the current bucket that should be skipped, before display begins.

  • Document ID: Accepts the ID of a specific document. Leave this field blank to retrieve documents based on Limit and Offset.

  • N1QL WHERE: Accepts a N1QL query — specifically a WHERE clause — which determines the subset of documents to be displayed.

In the results, each document is represented by an individual row that contains its ID and a summary of its contents.

Clicking on a row opens the document in the Editor fly-out:

The 'Editor' slide-out menu showing the document’s contents in an editable field, and buttons to Cancel, Delete, and Submit.

The document consists of a series of key-value pairs (or, as they are sometimes expressed, name-value pairs). The Editor fly-out allows you to make modifications to key-values directly.

If you edit a document, click Submit to save your changes. To delete a document, click Delete.